11 Lessons from Bootstrapping a Non-Tech Startup: The brutal journey from idea to reality

11 Lessons from Bootstrapping a Non-Tech Startup: The brutal journey from idea to reality

B. inggris Exercise 3.5. Choose the word best completes each sentence. 1. The music becomes/sounds great. 2. The girls resemble/appear tired. 3. We feel/smell tired. 4. The flowers become/smell wonderful. 5. He seems/resembles angry. 6. She seems/resembles her mother.

Exercise 3.5. Choose the word best completes each sentence. 1. The music becomes/sounds great. 2. The girls resemble/appear tired. 3. We feel/smell tired. 4. The flowers become/smell wonderful. 5. He seems/resembles angry. 6. She seems/resembles her mother.